
The Power of One

Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai |

Some of you may have seen my latest YouTube Hindi video 1+1=11 (eleven). It is the title of a 2003 Bollywood movie starring Govinda and Sanjay Dutt. You may also have heard the Hindi saying “Akele channa bhar nahin phor sakta” (A single grain of gram cann.....

God's Name in the Bible

Opinion | People's Edit | Neli Linus |

1. YHWH or YAHWEH (also JHWH) This is the personal name of the God of Israel. The Name of God was revealed to Moses in the Book of Exodus (Ex 3:14). The term YHWH or JHWH became popular as Yahweh or Jehovah in popular translation. The pronunciation “Yahw.....

Tokyo 2020: Not just a Sporting Spectacle

Opinion | Editorial | John S. Shilshi |

Since the first Olympics in 1896, the mega sports event held every four years have successfully brought the World’s Athletes together that scripted histories of incredible achievements, triumphs, and even heartbreaks. It has also been a century and quarte.....

The Cancel Culture

Opinion | Articles | Victor Ferrao |

When dissent is silenced, minorities are almost erased; life is castrated and not allowed to bloom to freedom. We have stepped into what has been aptly named as cancel culture. Often cancel culture hides under the cover of a religion, tradition, nationali.....

Custodians of what Tradition?

Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai |

The magician was dressed in .flowing robes. He had his back to the audience. He claimed to be an alchemist that could change lead into gold – transubstantiation. In between his secret mumbo-jumbo he would suddenly turn around to face his audience, raise h.....

Covid-compelled Online Classes can only be a Supplement, not a Substitute

Opinion | Articles | Joseph M Thohrii |

The 21st century is an era of digital transformation, a change that would remain in our activities of learning and pursuit of knowledge. The digital transformation brings unparalleled change to the growth of communication and development. It is believed t.....

Christ King Parish, Kohima: A stepping Stone for growth of Catholic Church in Nagaland

Opinion | People's Edit | Benjamin Chang |

The origin of the Christ King Parish can be trace back to the arrival of Salesian missionary Mgr. Emmanualel Bars SDB to Kohima. At the request of the then Governor of Assam, Sir Akbar Hydari to Bishop Stephen Ferrando, he arrived on 29th December 1948, a.....

The Success story of Awungshi Shimray Augustina Sanyaola

Opinion | Articles | Philip Lyngdoh |

Augustina Sanyaola: From Diamond selling to Apple growing

The Success story of Awungshi Shimray Augustina Sanyaola From diamond seller to apple farmer, Awungshi Shimray Augustina Sanyaola has come a long way. Her story is one of hope for those who want to convert their passion and dream into a real enterprise. .....

Voices beyond the Catholic mourning

Opinion | Editorial | John S. Shilshi |

Voices beyond the Catholic mourning Fr. Stan Swamy's death did not come as a surprise. It was waiting to happen because not only was he a frail 84-year old, but he had several health complications from the time he was taken to Jail in connection with a t.....

Catholic education in India: Is it on the right track?

Opinion | Articles | Albert P'Rayan |

Catholic education in India: Is it on the right track? Catholic educational institutions across the globe are known for enhancing students’ knowledge and skills and developing their overall personalities. In India thousands, including politicians, bure.....

Unceasing Prayer

Opinion | People's Edit | Michael Lunminthang |

Unceasing Prayer The COVID situation gave us different experiences which we might not have come across in normal circumstances. In spite of the unending fear around us, to my surprise, I find myself contemplating more on ‘Prayer’ in my little ways t.....

Whose Families are they anyway

Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai |

Whose Families are they anyway This piece has been inspired by two recent events. This morning (4th July), I read that “nice guy” Amir Khan was divorcing Kiran Rao, his second wife, of over a decade. The previous day I had read a Vatican News report .....

Folklore and Folktales of the Mao Tribe

Opinion | Articles | A. Kazhiini Mao |

Introduction Every race, tribe or community has a set of beliefs, tales, legend, myth, proverb or sayings which plays a significant role in indicating the uniqueness of their group and their social cultural identity. The Mao, one of the major tribes of t.....

Clergy - Laity chemistry: Need for better blending

Opinion | Editorial | John S. Shilshi |

Late Rev. Fr. Anthony de Mello, writer and philosopher, in an introductory note to one of his most acclaimed books “The Song of the Bird” wrote, “I cannot however, hide from my readers the fact that I am a priest of the Catholic Church. I have wandered fr.....

Persecution peaks amid impunity in pandemic-era India

Opinion | Articles | John Dayal |

The absolute sense of impunity generated in the administrative apparatus of India by the pandemic lockdowns, and the consequent absence of civil society on the streets and in the courts, has aggravated targeted hate and violence against Christians by non-.....