
The Journey to my Vocation - Part I

Opinion | Articles | Benjamin Chang |

In the Footprint of Christ

While preparing for my Diaconate Ordination, I had ample time to recall about my vocation, my life... There is an inner urge to share something about my vocation with you all. I guess, it might help some people… My vocation is like any vocation that bega.....

Politics without Principle

Opinion | Articles | M L Satyan |

Many years back Mahatma Gandhi spoke about seven crimes. One of them is “Politics without principle”. We need to appreciate Gandhiji for brilliantly analysing the political scenario of his time as well as the future. After more than two-month-long electio.....

Democracy has finally triumphed

Opinion | Editorial | John S. Shilshi |

The Parliamentary Elections 2024 have been one hell of an epic exercise, not because they were conducted in a country known as the world’s largest democracy, but simply because of the manner in which the entire exercise was carried out. Between the first.....

Unleashing Unity: A Synodal Mandate for the Catholic Church in Northeast India

Opinion | Editorial | James Pochury |

As India engages herself in a general election since April 19th and braces for results on June 4, 2024, the air is thick with anxiety. The potential return of the Modi-led BJP, with its fascist undertones and anti-minority stance, threatens the very fabri.....

Voting, A Christian Duty

Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai |

It’s that time of year when we head to the hustings for the great Indian tamasha, the Lok Sabha elections 2024. The present regime at the Centre is so confident of a third term in office that it has invited representatives from various world political par.....

Mantra for a stress-free life is ‘Just to leave it’

Opinion | Articles | M L Satyan |

We have been boasting of our science, technology, military and weapon power. Every country has been spending enormous amount of money for procuring arms, weapons and nuclear power. Our human pride, our imagined self-importance, status and money power, the.....

Is the CBCI admitting that Catholic Schools are indeed converting people?

Opinion | Editorial | John S. Shilshi |

Provoked by series of wild allegations on Christian institutes converting students from other religions, the NECARF Review ran an editorial as early as October 2022 under the caption “Forced Conversions: Christian Response to the Allegations." The editori.....

Under Attack from Hindutva Forces, 'Convent' Schools Fight for Survival

Opinion | Articles | John Dayal |

Well into the liberalised economic order, matrimonial advertisements in north Indian newspapers had parents of eligible men seeking brides who were fair, accomplished, homely and ‘convent educated’. The last qualification was an omnibus one, ensuring that.....

Let us be the Change that we want to see

Opinion | Articles | Benjamin Chang |

Christian Churches have played an important role in bringing people together from different walks of life as one people, as one Christian family. It is in the name of Jesus that we are able to acknowledge one another as our own brothers and sisters. It is.....

Are we building an Indian Church or a Roman Church in India?

Opinion | Articles | M L Satyan |

Bishop Saupin

I am raising this question mainly in the backdrop of the recent installations of bishops and an Archbishop in some of the north Indian dioceses, especially in the tribal belt. It is indeed an "eye-soaring" experience when I look at the clergy with the Rom.....

Dogs & Gods of War

Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai |

This is an alarmist headline. It is meant to be. It is inspired in part by the novel “Dogs of War” written 70 years ago by Fredrick Forsythe. But this article is not fiction, for truth is stranger than fiction. Polytheist religions have Gods of War. M.....

Electoral Bonds: Intimidate, Induce and Collect

Opinion | Articles | M L Satyan |

As per the Supreme Court’s order, the Election Commission uploaded the list of the donors of electoral bonds. Many political analysts and journalists studied the list and revealed the truth that most of the donors purchased electoral bonds for two major r.....

Time we speak up against divisive agenda

Opinion | Articles | Tom Mangattuthazhe |

My heart bleeds when some people with divisive intents talk of Christian missionaries being responsible for all the problems in our region – the North East India, because I am a missionary myself, a priest of the Catholic. I began my journey in the state .....

The Silence is deafening

Opinion | Editorial | John S. Shilshi |

The year 2023 ended somewhat on an unpleasant note for the Catholic Church, as there was a huge controversy over Cardinals, Archbishops, and Bishops attending a Christmas gathering on an invitation extended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi. Ch.....

Constitutional Challenges!

Opinion | Articles | Cedric Prakash |

In a short time from now, the Election Commission of India (ECI) is expected to announce the General Elections 2024. The citizens of India are aware that this is a watershed moment for the country and the outcome of the elections will certainly determine .....