
Dialogue, With Care

Opinion | Articles | John Dayal |

Dialogue, With Care My heart goes out to Bishop Thomas Dabre of Pune. An apology has been wrested out of him for his remarks at a public function which were carried by the local media. “The Christian Community accepts RSS ideology and principles. We n.....

Is Celibacy a Delicacy?

Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai |

Is Celibacy a Delicacy? A delicacy is usually related to food, my favourite indulgence. It is different from the daily fare of dal-chawal or sabji-roti. For me a delicacy is something like succulent pork chops. Obviously one cannot eat that everyday. .....

Father’s Day: A day to reaffirm Caring and Compassion

Opinion | Editorial | John S. Shilshi |

Come June 19, and the world will be celebrating Father’s Day in different ways. Social media platforms will be abuzz with messages of greetings and wishes for long life and happiness to individual fathers, and also in groups that include fathers. Companie.....


Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai |

The just concluded Indian Premier League (IPL) would be fresh in people’s minds. Hence one cannot be faulted for presuming that this piece is about cricket! It isn’t. It’s not about red balls but about red hats, the red Berettas given to Cardinals. They a.....

Conversion, Colonizer and the People

Opinion | Articles | Victor Ferrao |

Conversion has come back to haunt us. How are we to understand the complex reality of conversion? Are we to simplify it by reducing it to spiritual conquests? Conversion viewed as a spiritual conquest is tainted by its political overtones. Our understan.....

Spirit of Christian Unity

Opinion | Editorial | John S. Shilshi |

Across the globe, ecumenical movement is gaining ground as Christian leaders not only realize the futility of division along denomination lines, but also recognize how it defeats the very teachings of Christ and the Bible. However, in complete contrast to.....

A brief history of Catholic Church at Tobu

Opinion | Articles | Benjamin Chang |

A brief history of Catholic Church at Tobu The entry of Catholic missionaries into the land of Upper Konyak can be traced back to the year 1969, when Rev. Fr. Lucien Miranda from Catholic Mission, Tuensang visited six villages of the area from 21st to .....

Uniformity, Conformity, or Deformity?

Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai |

TV Debates and newspaper headlines are replete with news and views on the proposed Uniform Civil Code (UCC). They have generated more heat than light. That, sadly, may be what the UCC is all about. Let us go b.....

Will the Catholic Church ever consider a place for women?

Opinion | Articles | Myron J Pereira |

Will the Catholic Church ever consider a place for women? The most significant event for the Indian Church in 2021 was the “judicial murder” of Jesuit Father Stan Swamy. It changed the way in which Catholics, hitherto timid and apologetic, saw the real.....

Catholic Institutes must learn the art of saying ‘NO’

Opinion | Editorial | John S. Shilshi |

Catholics in North-East India account for less than 4% of the total population of the region, but for decades, they have had the privilege of shouldering a bulk of the education workload, particularly in respect of reaching out to remote and inaccessible .....

Quarantined within a quarantine: A personal experience of Covid-induced confinement

Opinion | Articles | John S. Shilshi |

It was on the 15th of January 2022 that I began to feel unusually uneasy. There was an indescribable discomfort all over my body, which was triggered by a combination of dullness, weakness and absence of appetite or thirst. Just the thought of eating or d.....

Marching along with the Risen Lord

Opinion | Articles | Myron J Pereira |

Even a cursory reading of the Gospels leads us to encounter a Jesus who is always on the move. As an itinerant preacher who scarcely had a place to lay his head and whose message of healing was given to all — especially to the sick and the dispossessed —.....

Religious Row over Election of Naga Woman to Indian Parliament

Opinion | Articles | Nirendra Dev |

Religion is back in business in India's Nagaland state. The strongly perceived Christian identity of the indigenous Nagas is making headlines. Nagaland is a Christian and tribal-dominated province in the northeast where guerrillas are still seeking indepe.....

Salute to Two Brave Hearts

Opinion | Editorial | John S. Shilshi |

Salute to Two Brave Hearts As the war between Russia and Ukraine assumes a threatening proportion, with the Russian onslaught causing a humanitarian disaster by the day, the news of two Missionaries of Charity (MC) nuns from India’s north-east state of M.....

The Loudness of Selective Silence

Opinion | Articles | John Dayal |

The Loudness of Selective Silence To me, as a reporter and human rights activist for more than half a century, a marker of individuals, groups and societies has been not their loud protestations in support of what they hold dear, but the loudness of th.....