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Current Articles
Opinion | Articles | Irene Salam
In school days, we have studied something about World War-I and World War-II. But did this include the Battle of Imphal which was the fiercest Battle of World War-II fought in Imphal and Kohima. Are we aware of the reasons why this battle was fought in Ma.....
Opinion | Editorial | John S. Shilshi
Social Media as Tool to Evangelize the Youth
With Social Media having deeply entrenched into people’s lives, particularly amongst the younger generation, there appears to be a serious contemplation on how the medium could best be put to use, by the Catho.....
Opinion | People's Edit | G.L. Khing
The term ‘cult’ refers to a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object. All religions are cultic in nature, yet the object of worship is God. A diversion from this true worship leads to erroneous cult where .....
Opinion | Articles | John Dayal
Supreme Court order on Sept 26 seeking a government response to a petition that pleaded for strict action against “religious conversion through fraud and intimidation” will not translate immediately into a national law against conversions to Christianity .....
Opinion | Editorial | John S. Shilshi
With Covid-19 pandemic virtually pinning the world down to a grinding halt, Cybercriminals are on prowl, targeting beleaguered and hapless public forced into lockdowns. Their footprints are even more profound in India where level of ignorance amongst inte.....