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Current Articles
Opinion | Articles | James Pochury
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." (Martin Luther King Jr.)
When the youth of ICYM Northeast recently walked the hallowed grounds of Old Goa, touching the sacred relics of St. Francis Xavier and .....
Opinion | Articles | Pamreihor Khashimwo
India expressed ‘deep concern’ over the detention of top Myanmar and the military takeover in February 2021. Since then Myanmar’s position in the world has declined significantly. The military junta’s execution of four political activists on July 25, 2022.....
Current Updates | NE Brief | NECARF Rep
The Arunachal Pradesh Catholic Association (APCA) celebrated its 11th Foundation Day on January 20, 2021 at the Seva Kendra, Jollang, in Itanagar, which in many ways was a meaningful occasion. The highlights of the programme included the Holy Mass, and ho.....
Education | College | NECARF Rep
NISCORT opens Admissions for Course in Mass Media and Journalism.....
Opinion | Articles | Myron J Pereira
Even a cursory reading of the Gospels leads us to encounter a Jesus who is always on the move.
As an itinerant preacher who scarcely had a place to lay his head and whose message of healing was given to all — especially to the sick and the dispossessed —.....