Catholic Church Tithes and Collections
Opinion | Articles | Benjamin Chang | 06-Mar-2023
Catholic Church is a Universal Church and the Indulgence (collection of money) was practiced in some parts of Germany. Thanks to Martin Luther, a Catholic monk for going against the Catholic Church. It was his protests that led to Counter Reformation in t.....
The Season of Lent
Opinion | Articles | Benjamin Chang | 22-Feb-2023
Ash Wednesday marks the onset of the Lent, the 40-day period of fasting and abstinence. Ash Wednesday is so called because of the imposition of ashes on the foreheads of the faithful, marked with the shape of a cross, which serve as a reminder of the call.....
Holistic Education for Peace in Northeast India
Opinion | Articles | Paul Lelen Haokip | 12-Feb-2023
Northeast India boasts of rich biodiversity, but peace is still a longing. Insurgency, inter-tribal hostilities, boundary disputes, and trust deficits abound galore. Inhabitants of these eight states of India are vulnerable to media influence, political p.....
Indian Synod: Forward or Backward?
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 12-Feb-2023
Synod, what’s that? Are we suffering from collective amnesia? The next round, the Continental one, is slated for 24th – 27th February. For Asia it will be held in Bangkok, Thailand. If I correctly recall, our Asian bishops had earlier met in Pattaya, anot.....
Immunological Thinking
Opinion | Articles | Victor Ferrao | 12-Feb-2023
Humans have gone through several ages of affliction. There was a microbial age that ended with the discovery of antibiotics. Thanks to immunological science and technology, we have left it behind although covid-19 virus threatened to usher it again. The.....
Indian Dalits Still has Miles to go
Opinion | Articles | N.Leo Samuel | 18-Jan-2023
In the last week of December, a few people from Vengaivayal, a village in Pudukottai district of Tamil Nadu in southern India, were treated for upset stomachs and vomiting at the local government hospital. This continued for a week with more villagers rep.....
Vikas - Vishwas –Vilash – Vinash
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 18-Jan-2023
There has been a progression, or rather regression, of Vs over the last week. For those unfamiliar with Hindi, let me first do a literal translation of the 4 Vs in this title – Vikas (Development), Vishwas (Faith), Vilas (Luxury) and Vinash (Destruction)......
A Reflection on the Importance of offering Suffrages
Opinion | Articles | Penny Rose Chinir | 04-Dec-2022
According to the Catholic faith, suffrages are intercessory prayers in the form of holy mass and other prayer services, beseeching the repose of the departed souls. For example in the FMA family – a family of over 12,000 nuns across the globe, of which th.....
Moving Back to the Middle Ages
Opinion | Articles | Thomas Menamparampil | 04-Dec-2022
Tagore dreamt of an India where the citizens would have the courage to hold their “heads high”. Martin Luther King dreamt of a homeland that would give equal respect to every citizen. An Iranian composer longs for a civilized culture in her country where.....
Need to Uphold Human Rights in our Homes
Opinion | Articles | Myron J Pereira | 04-Dec-2022
For almost all of human history, most men and women had no rights, only duties. You had to be born rich and powerful, a member of the "right" caste, race, class, sex, or religion to have rights at all. And even then, the whim of a local monarch or the mis.....
Advent Adventure
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 04-Dec-2022
The Advent season is upon us. It is a preparation for Christmas, depending on our priorities. The Hindi word for Advent is Aagman. It is the same word used at airports for Arrivals. Advent means just that – the coming or arrival of somebody or thing. .....
Caring Our Mother Earth: Pathways to Conservation
Opinion | Articles | Vincent T Darlong | 07-Nov-2022
When God created the earth “God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:18). After he created man, God has put him in the Garden of Eden to care for it (Genesis 2:15). But today, we seem to be doing just opposite to what God had intended. Instead of caring for t.....
Recapitulating on the emergence of Dioceses in North East India
Opinion | Articles | Penny Rose Chinir | 07-Nov-2022
Cursory glance at the emergence of Northeast India Dioceses The Catholic dioceses of Northeast India have its roots from 1870 when Assam became part of the prefecture apostolic of Krishnagar. Fr Jacob Broy of the Foreign Missions of Milan was the first r.....
Bless me, father
Opinion | Articles | Desmond L. Kharmawphlang | 07-Nov-2022
Bless me, father Lying flat on his back, wild grasses teasing his face, Rimeki stared at the sky. Mesmerized by the theatre of clouds, like tufts of cotton or tula as the fluffy material is called in these parts, stretched in a pattern as far as his eye.....
Peter Unchained: A personal Experience
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 07-Nov-2022
Peter Unchained: A personal Experience In February 2017, I was in Rome to attend the marriage of my niece to an Italian. The nuptials were held in the church of San Giuseppe Dei Falegnami constructed above the Prigione Dei SS Apostoli Pietro e Paolo, n.....
Golden Jubilee Year of Kohima Diocese Inaugurated
Opinion | Articles | Editorial Team | 07-Nov-2022
The Diocese of Kohima (Catholic Church in Nagaland), erected in the year 1973, entered the Jubilee Year with the official inauguration at Mary Help of Christians Cathedral on October 16 by Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil, Bishop of Kohima. Simultaneously the.....
The Mongolian Contribution to Our Civilization
Opinion | Articles | Thomas Menamparampil | 10-Oct-2022
The Mongolian Contribution to Our Civilization The Mongolian Contribution Calls for Recognition It is generally recognised that in ancient days, Bihar and further east was inhabited by Mongolian and Austro-Asiatic tribes. Possibly, some of the weste.....
Centenary Hallmarks of Christianity among the Moyons of Manipur
Opinion | Articles | Penny Rose Chinir | 10-Oct-2022
The advent of Christianity in Manipur dates back to 1894 with the arrival of Rev. William Pettigrew, a young English missionary who ventured out to the Naga hills in 1896. However, the dawn of Christianity among the Moyons began with the baptism of Nungch.....
A Culture of Life in the Families
Opinion | Articles | Samuel D. Baite | 05-Oct-2022
Introduction In the world we live there exist two opposite cultures about life – ‘the culture of life’ and ‘the culture of death’, the latter growing fast and destroying the former. The culture of life believes that human life at all stages from concepti.....
Government onslaught on Christians: The Church in India has a Task cut out
Opinion | Articles | John Dayal | 05-Oct-2022
Supreme Court order on Sept 26 seeking a government response to a petition that pleaded for strict action against “religious conversion through fraud and intimidation” will not translate immediately into a national law against conversions to Christianity .....