Editorial team
Statement of Concerned Catholics
Current Updates | Editorial Pick | Editorial team | 06-Jun-2024
On Thursday 4 April 2024, Pope Francis in a very incisive message to the participants in the First Colloquium between the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue and the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, held in the Vatican said, “We n.....
Pope Francis says he is frightened by escalation in war
Current Updates | Editorial Pick | Editorial team | 16-Jan-2024

In an interview on an Italian TV program, Pope Francis laments the risk of escalation in war, says he has no plans to resign, announces Apostolic Journeys to Polynesia and to Argentina, and reflects on ‘Fiducia supplicans’, saying “the Lord blesses everyo.....
Our Baptism made us children of God: Pope Francis
Current Updates | Editorial Pick | Editorial team | 08-Jan-2024

During his Sunday Angelus on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Pope Francis reminds faithful that the day they were baptized, we became children of God forever, and this date of great grace must be remembered and celebrated. At our Baptism, we became.....
Synodal myopia in the light of Synodality in the family and apostolates
Current Updates | Editorial Pick | Editorial team | 24-Nov-2023
Recent statements by prominent ecclesiastics raise important questions about certain assumptions that isolate synodality from theological, ecclesiological, canonical, and practical realities.(The Catholic World Report) This essay is occasioned by (1) the.....
Indian Catholic Forum organised a meeting
Current Updates | Editorial Pick | Editorial team | 09-Nov-2023
A one-day meeting was organised by the Indian Catholic Forum in Bengaluru on October 28, 2023. It was held at Nava Spoorthi Kendra. The theme of the meeting was Synodal Church and Secular Society. This was a follow up of the national meeting held in V.....
Chaplain Embraces Native American Spirituality
Current Updates | Editorial Pick | Editorial team | 09-Oct-2023
Chaplain Embraces Native American Spirituality Susann Estle God is not a Christian, God is not a Jew, or a Muslim, or a Hindu, or a Buddhist. All of those are systems which human beings have created to help us walk into the mystery of God. I honor my t.....
Holy See: Cardinal Zuppi in Moscow to open paths of peace
Current Updates | Editorial Pick | Editorial team | 04-Jul-2023

In a communiqué issued on Friday, the Holy See described the visit to Moscow from 28 to 30 June by Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, the Holy Father's Envoy, as a visit aimed at “identifying humanitarian initiatives that could open up paths to achieving peace”. It .....
Senior Advocate Dushyant Dave’s open letter to Prime Minister Modi
Current Updates | Editorial Pick | Editorial team | 15-Apr-2023
Senior Advocate Dushyant Dave’s open letter to Prime Minister Modi Dear Prime Minister, These path-breaking messages have rightly been described by you, Sir, as inspirations and not merely slogans. You have described this broadly as Secularism in action.....
Lay people are not Guests in the Church, says Pope Francis
Current Updates | Editorial Pick | Editorial team | 20-Feb-2023
The Church is a home that priests and laypeople need to care for together, Pope Francis said on Saturday. “It is time for pastors and laypeople to walk together, in every area of the Church’s life, in every part of the world,” he said in the Vatican’s Ne.....