Penny for your Penance
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 04-Mar-2025
There are two common English phrases where the word “Penny” is used – “A Penny for your thoughts”, and “Going to spend a penny”. The first is obvious; the second means going to relieve one’s bladder. That could cost a penny in a British public convenience.....
Ecumenism is non-negotiable
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 29-Jan-2025
Ecumenism is non-negotiable When we say that something is non-negotiable, we mean that it cannot be compromised or watered down. Its message and mission must be forthright, sincere and enduring. Ecumenism, commonly understood as Christian Unity, comes .....
CHRISTMAS: A History or a Mystery?
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 07-Dec-2024
Where was the Holy Family when Herod ordered the killing of the children in Bethlehem? As we approach Christmas, this question began to haunt me. It forced me to look deeply into the infancy narratives in both Mathew’s and Luke’s gospels. As a layman with.....
New Delhi – New York, Via Newcastle
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 11-Nov-2024
What’s new? In recent times, a lot. Let me begin with the adage “Don’t carry coal to Newcastle”. This is because Newcastle, in north east England, was known for its industry and coal fields. Hence any attempt to send coal there would be superfluous. Can.....
Harvesting Souls?
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 15-Oct-2024
Back in 2000 Arun Shourie wrote a book “Harvesting Souls – Missionaries, their designs and claims”. It was a condemnation of everything remotely connected with missionaries. In the Indian context it was about our Christian presence. For those who came.....
Fratelli Tooti
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 17-Sep-2024
Had I entered a Spelling Bee contest I would have failed miserably, considering that I have mis-spelt the title of Pope Francis’ encyclical “Fratelli Tutti” that he wrote during the Covid pandemic. Unlike previous Popes, he wrote in Italian, not Latin. Se.....
Your Slip is Showing
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 19-Aug-2024
Let me begin with a frank admission. From school days I have hated English grammar. On the other hand, my wife is a grammarian, knowing Wren and Martin’s grammar like the back of her hand. She compensates for my many inadequacies. The word “slip” is bot.....
In Their Shadow
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 04-Jul-2024
Has the dust begun to settle or the temperature begun to rise, despite the advancing monsoon? This weather barometer is political not climatic. With the elections over, the Union Cabinet in place, the Speaker also elected and proceedings in the Lok Sa.....
Voting, A Christian Duty
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 18-Apr-2024
It’s that time of year when we head to the hustings for the great Indian tamasha, the Lok Sabha elections 2024. The present regime at the Centre is so confident of a third term in office that it has invited representatives from various world political par.....
Dogs & Gods of War
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 21-Mar-2024
This is an alarmist headline. It is meant to be. It is inspired in part by the novel “Dogs of War” written 70 years ago by Fredrick Forsythe. But this article is not fiction, for truth is stranger than fiction. Polytheist religions have Gods of War. M.....
May They All be one
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 06-Feb-2024
A person’s dying wish is sacred. Jesus’ last desire, when “he raised his eyes to heaven” (Jn 17:1), was “that they may be one like us” (v11) and again “May they all be one” (v21). Jesus’ call to oneness (unity) of his disciples was based on his own deep r.....
Christmas Rubble
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 15-Dec-2023
On Sunday 10th December I heard the first reading from Isaiah (40:1-5, 9-11) on freedom from the Babylonian exile. The reference to Babylon reminded me of the foot-tapping Boney M. song “By the Rivers of Babylon”. The music is pulsating, though I’m pretty.....
Coastal Collateral
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 09-Nov-2023
Coastal Collateral In war, and even out of it, those who resort to aerial bombardment use the term “collateral damage” to explain away the loss of innocent lives, or destruction of non-military targets; as is now happening in Gaza. It is a convenient j.....
Dangers of a post-Christian world
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 16-Sep-2023
Dangers of a post-Christian world I recently read an article “Why are Christians Persecuted Today?” by Mumbai Jesuit Myron Pereira. It was a brilliant analysis that, unfortunately, offered no solutions. It forced me to think. Are we indeed living in wh.....
Grand Parents Rejoice
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 22-Jul-2023
Though a creature of the day, I am not particularly enthused by various “Days” like Father’s, Mother’s, Doctor’s, Constipation etc. I suspect that in the era of greeting cards (now extinct) they were invented by manufacturers like Archies, to promote thei.....
Four, Five and Eleven
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 04-Jul-2023
This is obviously not a mathematical equation. Let me tell you why I chose these random numbers. The number Four reminded me about the Readers’ Digest. It invariably carried a feature, “Drama in Real Life”; of how human beings endured and overcame insurmo.....
The Blame Game Continues
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 02-Jun-2023
The Blame Game Continues A highly respected and erudite clergyman from Kerala sends me his articles. Of late he has made three claims: 1. The Jews killed Jesus 2. Priests have always manipulated people to commit violent acts, justified in the nam.....
Jesus and the Rolling Stones
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 08-Apr-2023
Most of us would have heard of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s 1970 musical “Jesus Christ Superstar”. It was an attempt to re-present Christ in a modern day idiom. Nobody will have heard of Jesus and The Rolling Stones, the jazz group Mick Jagger founded in 1962. R.....
Bad Apples, Sad Couples, Glad Tidings
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 06-Mar-2023
Fortunately I belong to a small parish where just a handful of people come for the Sunday evening Mass. It is therefore a time of quiet reflection for me. These reflections then are based on the first two readings of the first Sunday of Lent. The first.....
Indian Synod: Forward or Backward?
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai | 12-Feb-2023
Synod, what’s that? Are we suffering from collective amnesia? The next round, the Continental one, is slated for 24th – 27th February. For Asia it will be held in Bangkok, Thailand. If I correctly recall, our Asian bishops had earlier met in Pattaya, anot.....