Myron J Pereira

Need to Uphold Human Rights in our Homes

Opinion | Articles | Myron J Pereira |

For almost all of human history, most men and women had no rights, only duties. You had to be born rich and powerful, a member of the "right" caste, race, class, sex, or religion to have rights at all. And even then, the whim of a local monarch or the mis.....

Will the Catholic Church ever consider a place for women?

Opinion | Articles | Myron J Pereira |

Will the Catholic Church ever consider a place for women? The most significant event for the Indian Church in 2021 was the “judicial murder” of Jesuit Father Stan Swamy. It changed the way in which Catholics, hitherto timid and apologetic, saw the real.....

Marching along with the Risen Lord

Opinion | Articles | Myron J Pereira |

Even a cursory reading of the Gospels leads us to encounter a Jesus who is always on the move. As an itinerant preacher who scarcely had a place to lay his head and whose message of healing was given to all — especially to the sick and the dispossessed —.....

Easter: The life of God's Spirit within us

Opinion | People's Edit | Myron J Pereira |

Easter, like Christmas, is full of symbols — empty tombs with angels around, soldiers falling down helplessly, eggs, lilies, empty crosses on the Calvary hill. Why is this so? Whenever we touch a truth too intense for words, we use symbols. We cry, we dan.....