Victor Ferrao

Immunological Thinking

Opinion | Articles | Victor Ferrao |

Humans have gone through several ages of affliction. There was a microbial age that ended with the discovery of antibiotics. Thanks to immunological science and technology, we have left it behind although covid-19 virus threatened to usher it again. The.....

Conversion, Colonizer and the People

Opinion | Articles | Victor Ferrao |

Conversion has come back to haunt us. How are we to understand the complex reality of conversion? Are we to simplify it by reducing it to spiritual conquests? Conversion viewed as a spiritual conquest is tainted by its political overtones. Our understan.....

Facing our Barbaric Condition

Opinion | Articles | Victor Ferrao |

‘To write poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric’ writes Theodor Adorno. In the broadest sense to be barbaric means to be uncultured. Julia Kristeva tells us that the word originated in the context of Greek perception of other languages as inarticulate mumbl.....

Unlocking Value, while Locking Democracy

Opinion | Articles | Victor Ferrao |

Some critics of the Government have declared that the new policy of monetization of the asset has put India on clearance sale. If not sale, it is surely putting India on rent. While the private players will look for the profit and the Government will get.....

The Cancel Culture

Opinion | Articles | Victor Ferrao |

When dissent is silenced, minorities are almost erased; life is castrated and not allowed to bloom to freedom. We have stepped into what has been aptly named as cancel culture. Often cancel culture hides under the cover of a religion, tradition, nationali.....

Thinking Tears that Tears us

Opinion | Articles | Victor Ferrao |

We are all born with tears in our eyes. Our cry is the first sign of life to our caregivers. It is our way of coming into the world. The cry and tears are performative. They mark the distance between us and the world. This marking of distance continues ev.....

Learning, Unlearning and Relearning: Lessons Covid Taught to Mankind

Opinion | Articles | Victor Ferrao |

Coronavirus has put us all into catastrophic and heart-rending conditions. People are dying gasping for breath. But we witnessed in explicable unpreparedness and appalling insensitive on the part of the government, giving priorities to winning elections .....

Prime and Prejudice

Opinion | Articles | Victor Ferrao |

The number theory is profoundly educative. Some of the mathematicians call it as the queen of mathematics. Within the numbers, the Greek identified the prime numbers. Indian mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920), made great contributions to nu.....

Totalization, Reining Totalities and the Dialectics of One and the Many

Opinion | Articles | Victor Ferrao |

When unity is construed as uniformity, diversity suffocates and dies. There is the diversal in the universal. Both sameness and otherness co-exists in the real. This is why what is universal cannot be reduced to sameness. When unity becomes uniformity, i.....

Mathematics: The Next Microscope of Life

Opinion | Articles | Victor Ferrao |

Science has a deep relation with mathematics. Today even life sciences depend on quantitative measurements and correlations. Charles Darwin, the father of evolution is said to have expressed his regrets when he said, ‘ I have not proceeded far enough .....

Resisting a loss of Image Dialectics

Opinion | Articles | Victor Ferrao |

A felt sense of loss is increasing everywhere. We can see it in the Brexit or even in the recent mob invasion of the capitol building in USA. The farmers in India are profoundly haunted by the fear that they will be pushed in deep loss in the face of the.....

Hermeneutics of Love, and its Intriguing Nuances

Opinion | People's Edit | Victor Ferrao |

We love our life and we are trying hard to preserve it against the novel coronavirus. Our life is no stranger to death but when it comes to pandemic deaths becoming omnipresent, we have to fight for life. This is why we try to police the virus and prese.....

Being Aatmanirbar and the Demand and Supply sides of our Economy

Opinion | Articles | Victor Ferrao |

Indian economy was already struggling before being hit by the global pandemic. Like every other country, India is fighting its war against covid-19. Social distancing, use of masks and sanitizers have become the new normal for us all. Severe lockdown im.....