NE Brief

NECCOD Breaks Free After Ten Months

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The North East Catholic community of Delhi (NECCOD), an organization known for active indulgences in all sorts of social and religious activities through the year went quiet for the last ten months starting March 2020 due to Civud-19 lockdown. Other than organizing some online activities to keep their members active and engaged, NECCOD was relatively on a pause. Though the monthly NECCOD Masses resumed from September 2020, they were much truncated affairs, with numbers of attendance restricted due to the government enforced SOPs for all religious and social gatherings. On February 7, 2021 however, the organisation broke free and held their first ever monthly mass almost to full capacity and even followed it up by holding their General body meeting. The occasion became all the more colourful with the birthday of their Chaplain, Rev. Fr. Vijay Bareto coinciding with the NECCOD mass. The post mass gathering therefore was a significant in more ways than one, with the GBM taking some key decisions for the coming years, coupled with the celebration of the birthday. Also on February 13, a picnic was organized by the NECCOD family in Mantri Farm House near Chhattarpur, wherein members broke free in the real sense with activities such as Games, Tambola, singing etc. besides sharing a sumptuous lunch.  

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