NE Brief

NECCOD brings out a Calendar for 2021

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Rev. Fr. Vijay Baretto, NECCOD President, and General Secretary

Rev. Fr. Vijay Baretto, NECCOD President, and General Secretary

In a simple ceremony following the NECCOD monthly Mass on November 1, 2020, a Calendar for 2021 was released by Rev. Fr. Vijay Baretto, Chaplin of NECCOD, in the Archdiocese of Delhi, at the Sacred Heart Cathedral. The attractive Calendar, with select pictures of NECCOD activities has insertions of the Cathedrals of the North Eastern states to signify how members from different Diocese of the region had come together and formed a family in the National Capital.  After the Calendar was formally released, a complimentary copy was presented to Mr. Siile Anthony, one of the former Presidents of NECCOD, who was present on the occasion. The Executive members say that all the former Presidents would be honoured with a copy each of the Calendar as a gesture of expressing gratitude for the services they rendered during their respective tenures. It may be mentioned that NECCOD came out with a Hymn Book (North East, Praise the Lord) as part of the Silver Jubilee Celebration in 2015. After that major milestone, this is the second time the organisation came out with a Calendar project. The sales proceeds of this project would be used in funding various activities the organization takes up from time to time.


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