NE Brief

Sikkim Catholics Met for a Eucharistic Celebration amidst Lockdown

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Holy Mass at St. Peters Church, Gangtok

Holy Mass at St. Peters Church, Gangtok

After seven months of isolation due to the pandemic, the Parishioners of St. Peter's Church, Gaucharan, Gangtok, East Sikkim district, finally broke the silence by organizing a Eucharistic celebration on September 27, 2020, strictly observing all the formalities of social distancing and precautionary measures as per government directives. Apart from the spiritual fulfillment, the Holy Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Stephen Gyan Rai was a nostalgic event, which brought tears of joy to the participant. Besides the usual protocol of caution such as wearing of mask and social distancing, the Parish Association members had also meticulously planned the programme by organizing hand sanitizers, thermal gun screening and recording the names and contact details of all the participants to facilitate prompt communication should anyone amongst them tested positive. The occasion was a very solemn social gathering as the Parishioners were able to see each other physically after so many months.    

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