
The Light of Day, Finally!

Opinion | Editorial | John S. Shilshi |

John S. Shilshi

It is said that when something is destined to take place, nothing can stop it from happening. The North East Catholic Researchers Forum (NECARF) was perhaps also destined to take birth because there was never a serious talk or plan to form such an organisation. Until one evening, when a few of us seniors of the North East Catholic Community, Delhi (NECCOD) started talking about a forum of this sort during our regular Whatsapp group chats. The discussion was something completely different from formation of an intellectual forum. It primarily started with some members mooting the idea of having a helpline of sorts for Catholic students from the North East region, who may be interested in knowing about various courses offered in Universities in Delhi. Though the idea was a brilliant one, some of us were of the opinion that having such helpline may not be after all a very pressing requirement since most reputed Universities have adequate arrangements for online information, and students now being tech-savvy could look out for themselves. Instead, some of us proposed that we perhaps need a Forum where one could find and connect with senior officers, academicians or professionals from the North East region.

This idea basically came to our minds because we have a number of Catholics from the region rooted in different Universities in Delhi, and also parts of India and abroad. Similarly, we have people in various offices of the centre and state governments, private sectors and national and international NGOs. We felt that the services of this pool of knowledgeable Catholics could best be utilized if they remain as a collected whole under one umbrella. They could provide necessary guidance to the youth interested in gaining entry into government and private sector jobs, and also help those interested in research works in various subjects, at different centres of learning. It was also felt that a Forum of learned and experienced Laities may at times prove handy for the Church, should Church bodies wish to consult them on various issues. The suggestion led to a very informal Webinar held on June 14, 2020, and it was during this meeting that the suggestion was not only welcomed but endorsed in principle for the need to have a Laity Forum of the region, especially in light of the emerging socio-politico scenario in the country.

Not wanting to rush things through, another Webinar was scheduled for July 12, 2020, in which a more crystalized decision was taken to decide the Forum name, reach, membership and registrations etc. The meeting also appointed a five-member drafting Committee to draft the working structure of the proposed Forum in a very Catholic-style of decision taking – giving thumps up in unanimity without complicating matters. The draft structure was tabled in the subsequent Webinar held on August 9, 2020, and after detailed discussions, the same was approved by the House. It also decided that a Bylaw, in line with the draft structure be prepared. Thus, the loose and floating idea got concretized into a decision and NECARF was finally born.

We are aware that the inclusion of terms, “Research” and “Catholic” would be little confusing for some who did not have the opportunity to be part of the Webinars, hence the deliberations and the rationale behind it. We opted for the term “Research” after careful consideration of what we intend to do. It doesn’t necessarily imply that the Forum would be engaging itself in research activities. On the other hand, it is a Forum where opinions expressed would be based on deep knowledge, either through studies carried out with due process of researching, or based on personal knowledge gained through years of experience. NECARF will also be a Forum through which senior and budding Catholic researchers could meet regularly, providing an opportunity to young people to seek guidance from the seniors especially in the light of reported cases of cherry pickings even in the field of academia. Secondly, the use of the word “Catholic” by a Lay organisation may invite some doubts of possible clash with Church bodies. We wish to inform all that we are aware of the Canon Code 300 that makes it mandatory for organisations to seek permission from the concerned Ecclesiastical institute should they wish to use the word “Catholic”. Process for obtaining permission from the North East Regional Bishops Council is already in progress and we trust the response would be a positive one.

As we greet readers with the first issue of NECARF’s web cast, we kindly urge Parishes and Parishioners in the region to make good use of it by writing short reflections, as well as detailed articles on secular or spiritual topics, and be a partner in knowledge-sharing. Feel free to send us your views on any topic, raw and unstructured as it might be, and we shall ensure that they morph into presentable and readable pieces. Send us your activity reports on education, social work, so on and so forth so that we carry them for you for more visibility. For far too long, Catholics in the region have remained behind the curtains, therefore are invisible, despite having done so much good for society at large. It is time we begin to open out a little, and there could be no other better way of doing it than through us, by taking advantage of the vast network our members have. We thank our members and well-wishers for being the spirit behind successful hosting of our website. May the Lord guide us in this endeavor.


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