NE Brief

NECARF Member Takes Charge as India's Ambassador to Ethiopia

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Robert Shetkintong Dilbung

Robert Shetkintong Dilbung

Robert Shetkintong, an Indian Foreign Service (IFS) Officer of 2001 batch, has been appointed India's Ambassador to the Republic of Ethiopia, as per official communiqué issued by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on August 18, 2020. He is presently posted in the MEA Head office, New Delhi, as Joint Secretary. Robert comes from a very small tribe called Lamkang in Chandel district of Manipur, and belongs to the St. Paul’s Parish, Pallel. He is the son of a former Catechist, Samuel Shetvor Dilbung of Keithelmanbi village. He is one of the founding members of the North East Catholic Research Forum.

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