Franco Fiasco and the Wisdom of Rome
Opinion | Editorial | John S. Shilshi | 02-Jun-2023

In 2018, the Catholic Church in India was shocked and shamed when Franco Mulakkal, then Bishop of Jalandhar, was accused of raping a Nun and the news made headlines in India and beyond. For the people of God in India, the news was like a blow on their faith – a Chief Shepherd accused of a wrong doing which is incompressible - fingers pointed by non-other than a consecrated women. Many considered the development as a serious breach of trust, therefore evoking disbelieve and anger. Matters became worst when a judicial proceeding was initiated for trial and as the hearing went into a fast tract mode in the District and Session Court, Kottayam Division, Kerala. Catholic faithful who were for and against the Bishop took to game of one-upmanship, inviting more publicity at the cause of the Church’s image, while the hierarchy looked on helplessly. As if these adverse publicities were not good enough, a section of the Catholics in Jalandhar Diocese resorted to garlanding their Bishop when bail was granted to him, as if a victorious general was returning home. All what this did was exposed and shamed the Catholic Church further with needless publicity.
In the entire milieu, two weaknesses of the Catholic Church were starkly exposed. The hierarchy that was mooted throughout the controversy continued without a word that could bring comfort to the traumatized Catholic faithful even temporarily. They took a convenient refuge in the matter being subjudice, and never commented on the allegation, complain, and the unnecessary lobbying both by detractors and supporters alike. Secondly, many Catholics, including the very enlightened ones, choose path of blame and counter blame games rather than being prayerful in awaiting the pronouncement of the verdict by the court. The end result was that every time one party tries to outsmart the other, the dirt got exposed even further.
In January 2022, the Additional District & Session Judge finally pronounced its verdict, acquitting the accused Franco Mulakkal of charges of rape. Understandably, skepticism loomed large on the merit of the court verdict with the suspicion that Franco Mulakkal perhaps used his resources and influence to tilt things in his favour. However, as one reads through the 289-page ruling, it became crystal clear that the petition and the investigation suffered from several snags. For example, the Judge remarked, “The long delay in reporting the matter remains unexplained”. Most significantly, eleven unanswered points listed in Para 45 of the ruling was clinching to seal the case in favour of the accused. Therefore, on merit the accused's exoneration was inevitable. However, in the long judgment there was one fact that came to light. Without actually mentioning it in that many words, ‘consensual sex between the accused and the victim was inferred more than once. The question asked then therefore was “Should not morality carry more weigh than the legal exoneration for a Bishop to continue in his position?”
Fortunately and to the relief of the Church and its faithful, Rome finally answered that question. A statement issued on June 1, 2023 says, “Holy Father Pope Francis accepted the resignation submitted by Rt. Rev. Franco Mulakkal as Bishop of Jalandhar….. In this regards, the Apostolic Nunciature wishes to specify that the Holy See respects the verdict of the Additional District and Session Court, Kottayam, Kerala acquitting Bishop Mulakkal from the allegation concerning him, as well as the appeal against the acquittal which has been admitted by the Kerala High Court ……..the resignation from Bishop Mulakkal has been requested not as disciplinary measure imposed upon him, but as pro bono Ecclesiae, especially for the good of the Diocese which needs a new Bishop”.
This decision by Pope Francis was wisdom at its best and it couldn't have been better timed than now when the Church is facing all kinds crisis from within and without. Also in accepting the wisdom of the esteem Judge and recognizing the legal road map ahead in this case, the Catholic Church hierarchy has more than exemplified that it accorded the highest regards to the proceedings of the Indian Judiciary. It has saved the Church from further blushes. The question now is, should the complanant Nun, whose consensual relationship with the accused Bishop was inferred by the judgment, not be treated in like manner as well? Only time will tell. But for now, Bishop Mulakkal accepting the suggestion for a graceful exit needs appreciation. May this step by Pope Francis stand out as an exemplary example for the Church to remain firm in all similar scandals.
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Be it consensual or forced, the concern remains if it is right in the eyes of God. Will the resignation from leading a particular dioses and yet remain as a spiritual leader of Church of God serves justice?