
Synodal Church: A Need to Walk the Talk

Opinion | Articles | Joseph M Thohrii |

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Pope Francis has declared that Synodality is what God expects of the Church in the 21st Century. He has put his own transformative stamp on the meaning and conduct of synods, saying that a synod involves mutual listening in which everyone has something to learn. The word ‘Synod’ has deep roots within the Church’s tradition. It is a two-part Greek word meaning ‘with’ and ‘path’. Putting the two together, the meaning of walking together along the way is conveyed. The theme of the Synod 2021-2023 is “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission”. Fundamentally, Synodality is about journeying together.

Pope Francis sees Synodality as the way of the Church in the third millennium. He sees Synodality as “a method and process of discussion and participation in which the whole people of God can listen to the Holy Spirit and take part in the life and mission of the Church. The objective of this synodal process is not to provide a temporary one time experience of synodality but rather to provide an opportunity for the entire people of God to discern together how to move forward on the path towards being  a more synodal Church in the long-term.

Listening, dialoguing, praying and discerning are the key activities at a synod. The Pope also offers few guidelines when participating in a synod. First, he encourages every participant to speak with boldness, openness and frankness in order to integrate freedom, truth and charity. Next is dialogue that allows us to grow; it must be honest and not useless chatter, rumor, conjectures or prejudices. As people speak with courage, those listening must do so with humility, open to newness and possibility of changing their opinions. Discernment is of fundamental importance in this process, which is based on the conviction that God is at work in world history, in life’s events, in the people. Discernment needs space and time. The Pope has specified approximately three minutes of silence in prayer to be observed periodically.

The fruits of Synodality for our Church are many. It honors the maturity, dignity and equality of all Christians. It promotes Christian unity even where differences occur. Respecting the diversity of perspectives allows for broadening of one’s understanding and deepening of the truth. Finally synod process is truly a missionary. Synodality inspires evangelization, true joy in Christ and relevance of the Church in a very practical way.

This Synod, with its powerful theme is a grace filled opportunity for the faithful and believers of God to experience a journey of re-conversion and to journey with God for a more just and peaceful world. Communion, Participation and Mission are the ‘take away gifts’ from the synod. They are not merely words or rhetoric but to be actualized in every facet of our daily living. Communion is about common sharing and fellowship. It is the grace to transcend our narrowness, selfishness, exclusiveness – to reach out to others particularly to the lost, least and last. Participation calls for active participation in living a holy life, a life of prayer and self-sacrifice. Mission would be understanding the local situation and feeding into an overview of the mission of the kingdom of God. It calls for our mission to be firmly rooted in the life of the local community. It is an openness to realize that all are my sisters and brothers. This is a synod for all God’s people excluding anyone. The synod finally calls for transition from “I” to “We”, walking together guided by the Holy Spirit.

The Church is actively deliberating on how the avowed goal of ‘Communion, mission and participation’ could be achieved in reality. The wish of Pope Francis could only be realized if the views of all sections of the Synodal Church could be given due space for consideration. The Synodal Church has to walk the talk and not the treat the movement as a mere exercise of deliberation. 


(The Author is a priest of the Archdiocese of Imphal, presently the vice Principal of Sacred Heart Hr. Secondary School, Hungdung, Ukhrul)


Visitor comments



Very well written. We do need to really dig deep and start to think of 'we' rather than 'i' Thanks for the article.

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