
Human Trafficking: The Invisible Crime against Humanity

Opinion | Editorial | John S. Shilshi |

John S. Shilshi

It may at times sound absurd to some when they hear the term "human trafficking," because after all, human beings are thinking species; therefore, how could anyone smuggle them like animals? The reality, though, is that people are being trafficked day in and day out for various types of exploitation through allurement and temptations, which victims innocently accept. By the time the realisation dawns on them, it is often a point of no return. The wits and courage of hapless victims could never match the well-oiled network of traffickers who operate from behind the scenes. They have multiple channels of influence and connections, including some within the government system and even the political class. Therefore, the proverbial ‘need to pull up courage’ when trapped in this net of indignity is easier said than done.

India is a signatory to the UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children. Besides the Indian Penal Code, the country has also enacted laws like the Immoral Traffic Prevention Act (ITPA), 1956, and the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976, which are indications how seriously this crime against humanity is taken. However, the business of shame not only continues unabated, but thrives and perpetuates, sometimes under the very noses of people who are supposed to prevent them. A Reuters – study in 2017 says an estimated 20 million women are engaged as commercial sex workers in this country, and of them, 16 million are said to be victims of trafficking. Another report by Legal Services India says every hour; four girls enter into prostitution, three of them against their will. In other words, the majority of females who took to this profession did not do so by choice, but were trapped and trafficked through assurances of dignified occupations by a few unscrupulous men and women who recruited them.  

No doubt, human trafficking is a global phenomenon. But the sere magnitude of prevalence in India is unmatched by any other single country. There is no region or state in India that is not affected, including states in the Northeast region. A well-researched report by Anyay Rahit Zindagi (ARZ), an organisation working to emancipate victims of commercial sexual activity for over twenty-five years says, in recent years, victims from the North East states are fast outnumbering those trafficked from Nepal in the tourist-bound state of Goa. The report also says that rescued victims from the North East go through a longer process of scrutiny because some officials refuse to accept them as victims since they speak English fluently. Other independent feedback gathered from different cities in India also indicates a similar situation. While chances of some vested interest motives behind such attitudes cannot be ruled out, the only conceivable reason for such official insensitivity could be lack of knowledge on the social settings of the region and failure to appreciate problems of poverty and unemployment the people face.

Across India, the recruitment of girls and women for this deplorable activity is done in most unsuspecting manners. While some are contacted directly through people who are already connected to the racket, there are others who get trapped in response to genuine-looking job advertisements in local newspapers, inviting people to fill up positions such as receptionists, beauticians, housekeepers, etc. Once hooked to the network, the women are provided air tickets to fly to the destination cities and towns for which the job offers were made. They are specifically advised to dress decently. This serves two purposes: one, the recruits are made to believe that they were indeed being hired by a company of repute, and secondly, it helps in hoodwinking authorities who might have been hawk-eyeing suspicious-looking travellers.

 Upon reaching the designated destinations, the victims are cozied up in reasonably good hotels and resorts, allowing sufficient time for them to relax. They are then gradually pushed into performing a task, which they never thought of even in their wildest dreams. Refusal to continue in the profession is promptly accepted, but on the condition that expenses incurred for their travel, stay, and food and beverage purchases are cleared forthwith before they walk away – a situation next to impossible for the victims. For not only are outstanding debts unaffordable for a one-time payment but also keep multiplying with every passing day. The compromise begins, and the entrapment process is complete. Even the daring few who wish to venture out find it difficult because the traffickers have strong monitoring mechanisms, in some cases even with the tacit cooperation of subordinate members of law enforcement agencies.

 In recent times, traffickers have also adopted a new strategy. In order to allay fears of the much-publicized racial discriminations against people from the Northeast region in big cities of India, smaller towns and cities have been chosen as supposed work places for their recruits. They do so because victims and their parents perceive these places as comparatively safer for north-eastern people as compared to the bigger cities. The end result is that victims land into places where helpline network are very not very active. Secondly just as the operators work from behind the scene, victims, irrespective of which place or society they come from, generally choose to keep their plight under wraps, unknown even to their own family members. Over time, some even become part of the system and help in recruiting hapless victims, blinded by the money they make.

 While people in this dirty business of exploiting fellow human beings keep innovating strategies, using every system loophole as a tool to successfully operate, the system continues to remain jaded, riled by various shortcomings and limitations. The convenient closing of eyes by the police, unless victims are their own people, is also not uncommon. Similarly, the majority of NGOs working against trafficking spend more time sorting out differences with one another than coordinating and synergizing, while the public chooses to blame the law enforcement agencies with allegations of failure. Therefore, this invisible crime against humanity not only continues unhindered but also with impunity.

 What then, is the way forward? Surely there cannot be a one-size-fits-all solution to deal with a problem as complex as trafficking and its implications. However, bringing awareness to the sinister intents of prowling traffickers could go a long way. Potential victims need to be sensitised at the community level by Advocacy groups, Churches and Civil Society Organisations on the need to apply caution while accepting job offers from companies and organisations without adequate checking on their credentials. The enormity of the problem one could face once trapped must also be highlighted. Therefore, the sensitization sessions must essentially include every aspect of the ills associated with trafficking, preferably by experienced and knowledgeable people. Most importantly, people working in the mission of helping victims must have dedication, compassion, and passion to deliver, and perhaps the best way to achieve them is by putting oneself in the shoes of the victims and their families.


Visitor comments

rajini Tupakula


From 1989 to till date,2023, we are facing lots of problems after purchase of property or land from cpm or cpi part leader -venkatayya and his dumb son told that 'her sarvasvam is ours'Etc.which we don't understand properly telugu language,nor hindi chut language,nor English human trafficking,after they sold 120 sq.yards of land in their compound wall to us by my uneducated mother,my father uneducated worked for a construction company used to get transfer every 6 months due to office fights all over india.my father don't know how to construct a house etc,.a plot investing or buying ,location choice etc. In sammareedys house -a bank employee,his two daughters returned from America,etc.they don't talk to us now,we stayed as tenants in 1989,he used to raise house rent every 2 months etc.krishna aunty and uncle - bank employee now his son and daughter in London,america working,also advised to buy this land as your father stays far,and live here in 2 corners of road,colony well developed etc.his father had a library of law books in his front room or hall.we paid rs 30,000 then in 1989 for 120 sq.yards.when my mother paid chit fund amount with my big uncle what we saved hardly,etc.sujatha aunty and krishna aunty are not there,they avoided.they ran away etc.my mother paid to venkatayya,he is nice poor political man old man.his wife totally black,his son dumb, nice only.we used to go to English medium school and his son used to go to dumb school.he solves all city,village problems being a party man.many people used to come to him for advice.then sujathas neighbours ,venkatayya neighbours -old man paparao- govt.teacher travelled and worked in rural schools in villages etc.his voice not good, how he is teAcher ,how students used to tackle him don't know.?he killed his first wife and on her dowry or property he builded a 1st floor house which he gave rent.he is having two homes separately inside a compound wall.etc.later when his children grew up for marriage,they got killed,how?we don't know,they don't talk to us. Previously Aunty used to roam whole revenue colony,julaiwada,whole subedari area,hanamkonda area etc. Used to visit most of the homes or houses etc.their children also used to visit.most people know him very well and speak about him.he used to scare others,and tells dengudu or immoral attack or slogan,and all activities fail and cause many disruptions and problems,killing,murder,thefts etc .he married many woman and many left him etc.only from vijaywada or rajamundry ,one woman stays behind him and now he died physically,but his spirit stays still and haunts overall greedy man on all issues,greedy attack on food done etc.and attacks many.many used to come his home and cry a lot for life threatenings.biggest enemy in this area ,in this colony,in this india,attacked nepal through spirit also,might have attacked,haunting america,London,also,don't ,people don't speak of ijjat or immoral attacks or disruption of activities etc.we want gadgets and help morally ,to tackle immoral and immorality in society etc.there is no problem with electricians,plumbers,computer softwares,technological problems solved,but hard to solve immoral or immoral spirits problem haunting and disturbing our lives daily basis etc.if we used to purchased land in other places in hyderabad,warangal,used to buy farm or field and do farming then,it used to be nice,we feel missing it,and can't have change due to high rate of real-estate etc.and don't have job.rejecting me from whole america,London,australia,delhi,Mumbai,indiA,bangalore,chennai,hyderabad etc .and tell that u are raped, not physical sexual intercourse ,prostitute,or adultery etc.invisibly through spirit disrupting all activities due to bad spell or hurting spells not talk etc.most police and court knows him very well.etc.what to do?pl.guide,help.we are not getting necessary help for immoral spirits haunting disrupting all activities,destroying everyone etc.or plan to destroy self of person selfly or by themselves they are forced to commit suicide or kill themselves or suggest others to cause problems and kill them etc.pl.help.after killing,where the spirit goes?not to go to god what he,she prays everyday to god but should go to him etc..meditation also not helps.reincarnation also not helps.before giving money .,one talk,one behaviour,after receiving money and innocent people not like others way,what one should be,not very very ordinary innocent straight forward people,another behaviour,another talk,another evil eye on innocents.etc.those who sold,those aunties and uncles and sons and daughters have good life,peace,harmony,good relations of their relatives ,friends,good contacts etc migrated,travelling,immigration to America,London,china etc.saudi arabia etc.but we are rejected due to our house seller,advisers, purchaser and returned back ,surroundings,neighbours etc.people pluck our flowers of plants planted outside, for Puja or god due to no place to plant inside.my mother waters the plant daily outside.but why people all nowadays educated,why to break all stems,uproot the plant while plucking for flower,plucked all buds,all stems etc.most people are selfish.they don't speak nor give anything to others.etc.show egoism and fight for no reason for better living conditions when compared to us.etc.we don't quarrel nor shout,as the plant planted outside our compound wall and when people pluck flowers,buds,stems broke etc.we don't come to know about it.

Sr. Regy MMS


It is very reflective and heart felt article. Thankyou so much for shring your experiences and your commitment to the cause.

Francis Sunil Rozario


Down to earth write up on the tragic issue of human trafficking. Those most vulnerable from North East, Nepal or hills are easily trapped through some heinous network of trapping women n children for this age old profession where human flesh r commercialised for economic gains not considering human moral n spiritual values to fight against a system that dehumanises our society. Excellent write up on human trafficking. It’s an eye opener to all people of good will. It’s also very timely on the eve of celebrating International Women’s day to present a red signal to prevent crime against humanity. May my friend John continue to write these thought provoking issues of our disturbing times.



Thanks indeed for this once again timely point of reflection. We need more thorough net working among many sectors to counter this huge malady.

Sr Stella Thomas


It's a need of the hour to tackle the problems of this sort. My best wishes for those who are in this field working for the welfare of the innocent. Good thoughts for reflection

Prema Chowallur


A good write up on Human trfficking which is a less talked topic at the same time the hidden cruelty concealed is horrendous. Thanks for throwing light into this issue.

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