NE Brief

Diocese of Kohima bids Tearful Adieu to Fr. Dominic Selosie

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Requiem Mass of late Rev. Fr. Dominic Selosie

Requiem Mass of late Rev. Fr. Dominic Selosie

Priest, Nuns and the Laity of the Diocese of Kohima gave an emotional farewell to late Rev. Fr. Dominic Selosie, on 26th November 2022 at the St. Joseph Parish Church, Chumoukedima. Fr. Dominic Selosie breathed his last on 24.11.2022. The requiem mass in honour of the departed priest was celebrated by James Thoppil, Bishop of Kohima, with several Priests as concelebrants. Earlier on 24 November, grief stricken people of Lozaphuhu where he last served bid a tearful good bye to their humble shepherd before the mortal remain was moved to Lephory, and then to Chumoukedima. Born in the village of Lephory in 1979, late Rev. Fr. Dominic was ordained a Priest on January 7, 2013 and served in different Parishes. A Pochury tribesman true to his humble background, Fr. Dominic Selosie lived humble and saintly life, and his affable nature and simplicity endeared him to the people all through his priestly life, and was commonly known as ‘the people’s Priest’. Most of his Priest brethren spoken to describe him as humility personified. At the St. Joseph’s Parish Church, when the farewell hymn of “God be with you” harmonises, there were teary eyes all over.  

Visitor comments

Margaret rhakho


I really miss fr. He's a good person. He's an angel on earth. Staying with him for only few months but he has sown lots of good seeds to our parish. His love, care, understanding his cheerfulness to us personally to me that I received,never to be forgotten.. His death was a shocking to our parishioners which we couldn't accept it.. We feel his presence in and around church, parish, school, also at our homes... There are lots to describe about our loving Fr. God calls the good ones first, yes it is shown.. We're so sad ,all of us the young or old, each person has received something through him. I hope and I'm sure he'll continue to support us in heaven.. We miss HIm.. We thank God, for sending such a wonderful priest to our parish.. The lozaphuhu community will always remember HIm...

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