NE Brief

NECARF Meets for the First time since Inception

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Archbishop John Moolachira addressing the Conference

Archbishop John Moolachira addressing the Conference

The North East Catholic Research Forum (NECARF) held its first ever physical meeting in Guwahati on August 20, 22 since formation in September 2020. The Conference was hosted at the Dob Bosco Institute of Management, Kharguli, on August 20, 2022, attended by members from States of North east region, except Sikkim. Prior to the commencement of official programme, Archbishop Emeritus, Thomas Menaparampil celebrated the holy Eucharist, alongside Rev. Fr. Linus Neli, the Ecclesiastical Adviser of NECARF, and two member priests from Nagaland - Rev. Fr. Godfrey Vilasal and Rev. Fr. Benjamin Chang. The inaugural session was graced by Archbishop of Guwahati and President of North East India Regional Bishops Council, John Moolachira as Chief Guest. Addressing the gathering, Archbishop John Moolachira congratulated NECARF for their efforts to bring together enlightened Catholics of the region and expressed happiness over the willingness shown by the members to stand by the Catholic Church in difficult times.

Commenting on the activities of NECARF over the last two years, the Adviser Fr. Linus stated that discourses in the group has been cordial, fraternal, balanced, scholarly and “pro-Ecclesia”. In the second session Archbishop Emeritus addressed the gathering and expressed happiness over the initiative by Catholic leaders with so much of experiences, and urge members to be grounded with fact while contemplating any action. Among others, the main take away from the conference has been the overwhelming support from members, and keenness shown to meet more often. It may be mentioned that since inception, NECARF could not organize a physical meeting in view of the Covid related Lockdowns across the country.   

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