Opinion | Articles | Editorial Team | 16-Aug-2022
The Letter from the Indian Catholic Forum pertains to the recent controversy of communication leak between Cardinal Oswald Garcias and a Bishop who is being probed of alleged wrong doing. Though NECARF is not pivy to the content of the letter, we decided to carry the letter in verbatim for the information of our readers in a spirit of encouraging freedom of expression.
Cardinal Oswald Gracias
CBCI President & Papal Advisor
Abp Leopoldo Girelli
Apostolic Nuncio to India
Cardinal Luis Tagle
Congretio pro Gentium Evangelizatione, Vatican
Cardinal Elect Filipe Neri Ferrao
CCBI Latin Rite President
13th August 2022
Respected Cardinal Gracias,
Peace of Christ! I am writing to you after much prayerful reflection, and with a heavy heart. As you are well aware I had contacted you in April 2021, as soon as I received the explosive recording of the telephonic conversation between you and Bp K. A. William of Mysore Diocese. When the news portal Church Militant published extracts of the same on 22/07/2022, it became viral across the world.
Sensing the potential damage to the Church in India I immediately wrote on 27/07/2022 to all the addressees above named, asking for heads to roll. The Open Letter was also sent to the 174 bishops of India whose email IDs were found on the CBCI website. Just two responded. Even at this late hour I had hoped and prayed that some decisive action would be taken. Nothing happened.
This only emboldened the Church Militant to go hammer and tongs at you. I have received copies of several letters from people, mostly from Mumbai, asking for both you and William to resign. While I do not subscribe to some of the language used in those letters, I fully endorse the demand that they have made, for the reasons that I shall enumerate below.
The Church Militant campaign severely dented your image, forcing you on to the back foot. I have since seen your own video. It is nothing but a pithy and pathetic attempt at self-defence and self-justification; while skirting the central issue involved – the paternity test that Cardinal Luis Tagle, Prefect of Propaganda Fide, had ordered on 15/08/2020, for William to undergo.
It is like a Greek tragedy that I am penning this letter to you on the eve of two years having elapsed since the Vatican order to William. Before writing this letter I carefully re-read the transcript of the conversation of 19/08/2020. I am attaching herewith the relevant Extracts from the same, as also my point wise Observations. Based on that I have arrived at the following very sad conclusions:
I would describe this entire drama as déjà vu of Felix Culpa (Happy Fault). In the Easter liturgy it refers to the sin of Adam that wrought us such a saviour. The second appropriate instance is the statement of Caiphas, the High Priest. He says, “It is better for one man to die than for the entire nation to be destroyed” (cf Jn 18:14). William’s audacious recording of your conversation, and Church Militant’s publication of it, is now the third instance of Felix Culpa; for I now strongly feel that something good will emerge from this horrific chain of events.
- While writing to you I draw strength from the book of Job. “To gain relief I must speak. I must open my lips and reply. I shall not take anyone’s side. I shall not flatter anyone. I do not know how to flatter” (Job 32:19-22).
- There is also the sinister warning of Daniel to King Belshazzar, son of Nebuchadnezzar, telling him that his days were numbered, as he had been found wanting (cf Dan 5:25-28).
- I am saying all this based on the transcript and my observations that form an integral part of this letter.
- In your own video you tried to convey the impression that action against the erring bishop was to be taken by the Nuncio, not you. However, the transcript clearly establishes that Rome had authorised you to act and you were fulfilling that mandate.
- The transcript conveys the distinct impression that you were sympathetic to William which is why you could not assert your authority over him. Canonical nuances apart, the fact remains that you are the CBCI President and an advisor to Pope Francis. You could easily have asserted your moral authority.
- It is possible that this sympathy has impacted the investigation by the Apostolic Visitation/ Enquiry Committee (AV/EC) constituted by the Vatican to go into the allegations against William. In India we know how investigation agencies keep looking over their shoulders to know what their political bosses expect of them. Sadly, the hierarchy seems to be going down the same garden path.
- In April 2021 you declined to comment on the transcript saying that the matter was still under investigation. Subsequently Abp Leo Cornelio of Bhopal, who was heading the AV/ EC, had conveyed to the victim priests of Mysore that they had concluded their investigation and handed over their report to the Nuncio. However, when a delegation of 11 priests met the Nuncio in Delhi in April 2022 they were given the standard reply – “under investigation”. Phone calls to Cardinal Tagle in Rome met with the same reply. One is therefore constrained to conclude with Shakespeare that “something is rotten”, not in Denmark, but in the Vatican offices. Ancient wisdom tells us that when a fish rots it begins from the head. The same principle applies to the body of Christ, the Church in India. Its head seems to be rotten.
- This raises a fundamental question: “What is the role of the CBCI and the hierarchy? Is it to have the smell of the sheep, as Pope Francis keeps repeating, or is to prey on the sheep as Ezekiel had warned? “You are doomed you shepherds of Israel. You take care of yourselves but never tend the sheep. You drink the milk, wear clothes made from the wool and kill and eat the finest sheep. But you never tend the sheep” (Ez 34:2-3). He then continues, “Listen to me you shepherds. I, the sovereign Lord, declare that I am your enemy. I will take my sheep away from you and never again let you be their shepherds; never again will I let you take care of yourselves. I will rescue my sheep from you and not let you eat them” (Ez 34:9-10). Is this not déjà vu?
- In like manner one cannot but question the role of the Nunciature. Is the Nuncio just moving around in his black BMW sedan to inaugurate monolithic church buildings? He is a guest in our country. If he cannot protect the interests of the common man then he might as well pack his bags and go home to Rome (roam).
- The Nuncio flew down to Ernakulam on 26/07/2022 to coerce Abp Antony Kariyil, the Metropolitan Vicar of Ernakulam-Angamaly archdiocese, to submit his resignation. His crime – supporting the people in their desire for post Vatican II liturgical reforms! But this worthy cannot reply or acknowledge letters/ emails sent to him on burning issues. What lopsided priorities!
- Finally, your self-defence video has the comments section turned off. So how do you get feedback from your “dumb sheep”, the cattle class? Is this how synodality is expressed. Where is the Communion and Participation that Pope Francis seeks to inculcate at every level of the Church? Without them we can never attain our Mission, the ultimate goal of the synod.
In the light of the above it is most respectfully and humbly prayed that you voluntarily resign from the offices of the Archbishop of Bombay and CBCI President. You were born on Christmas Eve 1944 and have completed the mandatory age of 75 for retirement of bishops. People will respect you the more for an honourable exit.
If not, then like King Belshazzar, who did not heed Daniel’s stark warning, you too could meet the same fate, for not reading the writing on the wall. “That same night Belshazzar, the king of Babylon, was killed” (Dan 5:30). God forbid that something like that should happen.
I therefore humbly pray that you will listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches (cf Rev 3:22). I also pray for your good health and longevity, and crave forgiveness if I have made any incorrect averments.
In synodal fraternity,
Cc: The Bishops of India
The Catholic media
Concerned members of the Church
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