NE Brief

Tuki Writes to CM Arunachal Pradesh on Buddhists objection to construction of a Church

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In a significant move, Nabam Tuki, former Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, wrote to Pema Khandu, Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, resolve the differences between Buddhist and Christian community of Tawang district, which erupted due to objections raised by the Buddhist community against construction of a Church. Mr Tuki reminded the CM that Buddhist and Christians had always co-existed peacefully since time immemorial, which is exemplified by His Holiness Dalai Lama and Holy Father, Pope emphasizing often calling for world peace. He also pointed out that Tawang being district Headquarters, several outsiders come as employees of different services in addition to domestic and international tourists. He pointed out that these people need a Church to worship while they stay in Tawang. Therefore, objection to construction of a Church not only amounts to depriving Christians of their right, but also defeat the very secular spirit of the Constitution of India.

It may be mentioned that on June 18 2022, Christians took out peaceful rallies in all the district headquarters of the state to protest against Buddhists trying to stall construction of a Church in Tawang.        


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