
A brief history of Catholic Church at Tobu

Opinion | Articles | Benjamin Chang |

Passport Photo for Benjamin Chang

The entry of Catholic missionaries into the land of Upper Konyak can be traced back to the year 1969, when Rev. Fr. Lucien Miranda from Catholic Mission, Tuensang visited six villages of the area from 21st to 27th February, 1969. The purpose of his visit was to encourage the people of the area to send their children to St. John's School at Tuensang. Rev. Fr. Chacko Karinthayeil made another tour of the area from 5th to 7th October, 1970. In spite of the various attempts made by the Catholic missionaries to inspire the minds of the people, they could not succeed as expected, since the people were slow to respond to the invitation of the missionaries...

The first acquaintance with the people of Upper Konyak area came through the students of St. John's School, Tuensang. It was in the year 1974 that the people of Upper Konyak area, particularly from Tobu invited Rev. Fr. Devassy of Tuensang to visit the area. This invitation came from the then Head Dobashi of Tobu Town, Late Shri. Kossam Shamnyak whose son, Mr. K.S. Anden Konyak was a student of St. John's School, Tuensang. Responding to the invitation, Rev. Fr. Devassy along with Rev. Sr. Rose Teresa SABS and Rev. Sr. Blessilia SABS visited Tobu on 14th December, 1974. Rev. Fr. Devassy addressed the public meeting of all the Dobashis and many of the Gaonburas of Upper Konyak area. This was a ground breaking event for the Tobu Catholic Mission...

On 14th January, 1975, an assembly of the public leaders of the Upper Konyak area was held at Tobu. There were 78 leaders present for the meeting. Some of the prominent leaders present for the meeting were Anden Konyak MLA, Shamlau Hongnao RCM, Poangba RCM, Abraham Nyamnyei RCM, Khambo Head Gaonbura, Devassy Sopen and Haku RCM. Mr. Anden Konyak, the then MLA of 48th Moka Constituency was the co-ordinator of that meeting. They signed a set of resolutions paving the way for the Catholic Church. Mr. Anden Konyak submitted the resolution to Late Rt. Rev. Abraham Alangimattathil SDB, the then Bishop of Kohima- Imphal Diocese requesting him to come and open the Catholic Mission...

Late Rt. Rev. Abraham was very happy with the invitation he received. He visited Tobu on 4th May, 1975. Shri. Kossam Shamnyak Head Dobashi welcomed the Bishop and Rev. Fr. Devassv and he said, “Bishop and Fathers will show the people of Tobu the way to progress”. The assembly of public leaders adopted another set of resolutions on 5th May, 1975. They resolved that the Catholic missionaries be given fullest freedom to preach, propagate and practice the Catholic faith in the entire area...

Late Rt. Rev. Abraham appointed Rev. Fr. Devassy as the Priest In- Charge of Tobu Mission in September 1975. On 25"’ January, 1976, Rev. Fr. Devassy along with Sr. Blessilia SABS and Sr. Sebia SABS reached Tobu to do the immediate preparation for the opening of the mission. The pioneering team consisted of 6 persons- Rev. Fr. Devassy, Sr. Mary Punnathanam, Sr. Jane Mary Kaithakary and Sr. Mercy Kuotrigani of the MMS. and Sr. Blessilia and. Sr. Celine Jose of the SABS. The centre was officially erected by Late. Rt. Rev. Abraham Alangimattithil on 1st March, 1976. On the same day, Newman School, Tobu was inaugurated with 9 children. Mr. B.A. Kanikhar, the then EAC of Tobu was the chief guest for the function...

Eight years later, on 7th October, 1984, a hundred and thirty five persons embraced Catholic faith, as they received baptism in the Catholic Church. The baptism was administered by Late. Rt. Rev. Abraham Alangimattithil. The prominent leaders who were baptized on that day included Abraham Nyamnyei (Head GB), Mr. Devassy Sopen, Peter Nyamnyei (Ex- ACM), Paul Leangin (Ex- ACM) and many others. The foundation stone for the Holy Redeemer Church too was laid on that day. Tobu Catholic Mission was elevated to the status of a Parish by Late. Rt. Rev. Abraham Alangimattithil, the then Bishop of Kohima- Imphal Diocese on 27th February, 1985 and Rev. Fr. Joseph Allanjeril was appointed as the first Parish Priest...

The Catholic community at Tobu lit the light of Catholic faith to the neighboring villages. Inspired by the Catholic faith, invitation for establishment of Catholic Church poured in. Thus, Catholic communities were established at Pongo, a Phom village on 7th February, 1987, Mopong on 13th May, 1988, Angjangyang on 25th January, 1994, Pessao village on 19th March, 2011 and Tangkhao village on 27th December, 2015 in the Konyak region...

Since the establishment of the Catholic Church in 1984, despite some hardships that aggravated on religious ground, Tobu Catholic community gradually grew from strength to strength in their Catholic faith. The hosting of the 8th Nagaland Catholic Youth Convention at Tobu in 2018 is a remarkable event not only for the people of Tobu but for the people of Konyak tribe in Mon district as a whole. The Konyak Catholic Convention was held recently from 22nd to 24th April 2022. There number of Catholics in this area is growing fast and there is so much future hope for the spread of God's Kingdom in this part of the region.

(The Author is a Priest in the Diocese of Kohima, and can be reached on The content of the Article are his own)

Visitor comments



Thank you missionary of this mission. We learn from the good work you did.

N Phonglee Konyak


Don Bosco is an eye opener for upper Konyak in general May God continue to bless the community's.



Makes good informative reading.Thanks.

Salam Irene


It was nice to learn of Fr. Devassys contribution

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