NE Brief

NECCOD honoured Mothers on Mother's Day

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Group Photo of NECCOD Mothers after the Monthly Mass

Group Photo of NECCOD Mothers after the Monthly Mass

The North East Catholic Community, Delhi (NECCOD), held a special post-Mass programme in honour of the Mothers on the occasion of Mother’s day. The lively programme was conducted by the NECCOD band with several praise and worship songs, followed by an enthralling dance show performance by the mothers. The Chaplain, Rev. Fr. Vijay Barreto and Rev. Fr. Albert Leivon, were among the gathering, and together with the men, they sang a special number for the mothers. It may be mentioned that NECCOD mothers, the backbone of the organisation has always lived up to the expectations whenever big programmes were hosted – with food and other arrangements. Therefore, it was a befitting gesture to them on the occasion of Mother’s Days.

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