
Christmas Season

Opinion | Articles | Benjamin Chang |

Passport Photo for Benjamin Chang

Here in India, only in recent years, I see so many Protestant Sects using this term Advent Christmas. I am confused as to why some terms and practices of the Catholic Church are simply borrowed and used without actually knowing the meaning. Advent Christmas or Advent Season should not be confused with Pre Christmas or Advance Christmas.

Pre or Advance Christmas is an anticipated, just one day, celebration of Christmas, for people who may not be able to come together as a community on the actual Christmas Day. Whereas, Advent is a season. It is not just one day Celebration but it is a season of Preparation. It is a season that begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, when the Church commemorates the centuries of waiting for the coming of the Saviour promised to the Jews in the Old Testament. For Christians, the season of Advent is also a time of quiet meditation and reflection in preparation for the Christmas celebration. The term Advent is taken from the Latin word "Adventus" meaning "Coming".  The Advent season is a time of preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ into our lives. The human Santa, the Christmas trees, the carols, the stars, the lights, the cards are all traditional practices of the Church which was developed over the years in order to help us become better Christians inorder to receive the birth of Jesus Christ. The practices are not based on scriptures, but the essence of all these practices are scriptural. The problem lies in simply copy coating the practices of the Church without actually knowing the meaning of such practices.

For many people in metro cities and major towns, Advance Christmas or Pre Christmas has become the only day to attend church, debasing the practice of church attendance to ritual status of attending the Church once in a year, which has stripped off the value and purpose of being a Christian.

In the same way, I see so many people using X-Mass instead of Christmas. There is a disagreement among the Christians with regard to the use of the abbreviation of Christmas as "Xmas". There is a growing concerns about the increasing commercialization and secularization of Christmas. The secular world seeks for a short and easy way of making things, making money. The word "Christ" and its compounds, including "Christmas", have been abbreviated in English dictionary for at least the past 1000 years, long before this "Xmas" was used. The word Xmas is not even 100 years old. The word “Mass” means celebration. The secular world give importance to celebrations by removing Christ from the celebration. Many Christians view X as something that stands for negation like No, Not, Wrong, Absence, xxx etc. Which may mean No Celebration, Absence of Celebration. There are some people who try to justify the use of this term by saying that in Greek, Christ name starts with the letter “X” and it denotes Christ. But Xmas doesn't make any sense to those who doesn't know Greek. I have not seen anyone using "Xtopher" for "Christopher", or "Xtina" for the name "Christina". It's only for business related people that seeks for cutting the costs on using Christmas to Xmas.

During the Christmas seasons, I have seen so many people using Christmas greeting pictures of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. But many are hesitant to erect the image of Jesus in public places. There is a popular devotion of erecting Santa Claus in many public places. Personally, I am not happy to see some funny tummy Santa Claus being erected in many prominent places. He is not a Christmas god to be erected for people to see and admire. He is not an image to be mocked at. Christmas Santa is actually in real Bishop St. Nicolas. Why spend money on Santa Cards, Santa structures, Christmas trees, Christmas decorations, Christmas feast, etc. Instead let's be a Real Santa to our neighbours, to someone lonely, to little kids, to the unloved, the poor and the marginalized. We will always find someone near us, who needs a Real Santa Claus during this cold winter Christmas season. I believe that, it is the smiles, the happiness that we are able to generate in others brings about real meaning in life. Christmas Celebrations or practices are good but what is worth, if it doesn't help us to be a better Christian.

I too loved to focus on the fun and love and hope and happiness that comes with the Christmas Season. I enjoy the whole spirit of Christmas, external decorations as well. I like the Christmas songs, the music and the Church play. I like the tree, the lights, the shopping, killing of pigs, and all the family and group get-togethers. I see all of these things as a preparation for one big celebration for the birth of Christ. In the midst of all these preparation and celebration, there is a danger that we may forget to prepare for receiving the special little baby boy born so long ago. When God comes, He usually comes in humility, silently and peacefully, without causing a great disturbance. God’s humble coming in Jesus would not surprise us if we knew God better. But of course we will never know God sufficiently to understand. So no matter how much we try to understand God becoming human in Jesus we will not be able to comprehend, it will remain a mystery.

In this lifetime, I have learned that the season of Christmas magic is powerful, but the power in our hearts is even more magical. There is something that makes everyone feel spirited, happy and excited. This Season of Christmas brings out the child within. The festive air is contagious; even the most despairing soul cannot help but feel enthused by the vibrancy of the season. Our ability to love one another, to renew our faith and bring hope into our lives and the lives of others, are the greatest of gifts to bestow and receive. Christmas Season is indeed a time for sharing in gift giving and celebrating. And yet, the greatest gifts may not be just confined to those wrapped in fine papers or dressed in colourful bows. They are those given with an open heart, one wrapped in the lovely ribbons of faith, hope, joy, peace and love. We know that we've grown up, when we know that none of the things we want for Christmas can be bought at a store. When we know that its not only about Merry making. When we know that we need to prepare to receive a Child like a Child and grow to be Christlike throughout the year.

(The Author is a Priest in the Diocese of Kohima, and can be reached on The content of the Article is personal)


Visitor comments



Thank you Fr Benjamin for clearifying the meaning between advent and advance. I also have seen some Protestant celebrating advent Christmas instead of pre / advance Christmas.

Mike Thaimei


Thank you Fr. Ben for the meaningful message. It's very enlightening and an eye opener. God bless you and makes you stronger spiritually and physically.



It gives me more idea about advent or advance Christmas and also your encouraging message really enlighten me. Thank you so much Sir, may the grace of God be always with you.



Thank you so much for the lovely and meaningful message. Thank you for letting us know and clear our thoughts and minds. God guides you with more wisdom and knowledge. Keep it up and God bless!!



Thank you for the beautiful message. An eye opener....a lesson to keep in mind

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