
‘SILENT NIGHT’: Not Just a Song, but a Powerful Prayer.

Opinion | Editorial | John S. Shilshi |

John S. Shilshi

When the Austrian priest Joseph Mohr wrote the song 'Stille Nacht" in 1816 and asked his friend, teacher and Church organist, Franz Gruber to compose the music, he would have never in his wildest of imaginations, thought that the song would be a Christmas favourite, around the world, even 200 years later! 

Translated in over 300 languages and designated by UNESCO as a treasured item of Intangible Cultural Heritage, 'Silent Night' is among the most loved, performed and musically-arranged Christmas hymns. From folk to opera, Church choir to street singers, pop to heavy metal; the song has seen many a version and, until today, is being reinvented by several top stars of the musical world. Considering the humble beginning ‘Silent Night’ had, both in terms of the scribbling of its Lyrics and composition, the song truly have had an unprecedented journey of embracing and endearing mankind.

To recap the journey briefly, Mohr wrote the song, originally in German, just after the end of the Napoleonic wars. When it was performed for the first time in 1818, by him, his friend Gruber and a handful of parishioners on Christmas morning, Mohr hoped the song would soothe the hearts of the congregation - that were reeling under intense poverty, hunger and trauma. The six poetic verses symbolised the hope for a merciful God who had not forsaken them in trouble times. It was a prayer in more ways than one.

Today, the Silent Night Association - a charitable organisation that works for dissemination of the song, its origins and message - collaborates with several historians and cultural ambassadors to make the world understand the essence of "Silent Night". Historians and writers claim that the most prominent historical reference to 'Silent Night' was made during World War I. Five months into the war, suddenly one day on the Western Front everything went quiet. It was Christmas eve. Along a stretch of 50 kilometres, German and British soldiers put up lights on their trenches, laid down their weapons and helmets and together sang 'Silent Night', in their own languages. How powerful that moment would have been! 

It is for this very reason, we believe "Silent Night" is the most important and beautiful Christmas song, a powerful prayer that takes us closer to infant Jesus even by its mere tune. The power it conveys by its simple melody and peaceful lyrics transcends regions and religions, and unites all. Irrespective of where we are, what political environment we live in, what our social or economic status is or what ideologies we follow, 'Silent Night' fills us with a grace that very few songs manage to achieve. For us Christians, the song urges us to search for humility within us and find peace even in times of suffering. The comforting idea of being saved by God’s pure love and the “dawn of redeeming grace” give each one of us strength and confidence. As we prepare for yet another Christmas celebration in these times of uncertainty, may the glory of the Almighty and the power of the Son of God, rule within our hearts.

May there be 'Stille Nacht" or “Silent Night” in every corner of our world, our country, our societies, and our families. Merry Christmas!

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Martha Mera


Beautiful message

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