NE Brief

Catholic Church in Manipur supplements Government’s Covid care effort

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In what may be termed as a major move by the Catholic Church towards combating Covid – 19, the Archbishop of Imphal, Manipur, wrote to a letter to the Government of Manipur on May, 20, 2021, offering to make several Catholic service centres, including a portion of the Catholic Medical Centre, Koirengei to be used as Covid service centres for treatment as well as vaccination. This gesture was immediately reciprocated by the State government in their letter dated date May 24, 2021, welcoming the proposal for collaboration. Besides others, the Archdiocese has placed a 40-bed Covid ward at the Catholic Medical Centre (CMC) at Koirengei, Imphal, with oxygen cylinders and ventilator facilities. It may be mentioned that CMC is a 150 bed hospital managed by the Archdiocese of Imphal, with qualified Doctors, nurses and other Para-medical staff.. Besides, the Church has also agreed in principle to assist the State government with volunteers, to be drawn from amongst the members of Manipur Catholic Youth Organisation. In 2020, the Archdiocese had also contributed rupees five lakhs to the Chief Minister’s relief fund for Covid - 19 care purposes

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