People's Edit

The Sacrifice of a Young Lady: An Inspiring Story from Mizoram

Opinion | People's Edit | Luke Sangkima |

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It is common knowledge that the Covid-19 second-wave upsurge is gripping every part of India and as a result, lakhs of people are infected and thousands others die every day. This gloomy and depressing state of affairs reminds us of what is written in the Bible, the words of prophets Jeremiah and Amos. In the Book of Jeremiah, it was written, “They shall die of deadly diseases. They shall not be lamented, nor shall they be buried; they shall become like dung on the surface of the ground” (Jer. 16:4).  Similarly in the Book of Amos too, I was written “the dead bodies shall be many, cast out in every place. Be silent.” (Amos 8:3). The pandemic does not spare even a tiny State like Mizoram, one of the eight states of North East India. The position in this state as of May 14, 2021, was out of the total population of 10,97,206, there were a total of 8377 positive cases and out of which 6204 have been discharged and the number of active cases is 2150. Unfortunately, however, 18 people have lost their lives so far. Lack of sufficient supply of oxygen to sick people was one of the chief causes of death. It is also reported that “black fungus” is maiming the pandemic scene in India.

At this critical juncture, many NGOs, agencies, groups and individuals have come out to support the government as frontline workers - doctors, nurses, scientists, and many others in order to ensure that rising number of Covid-19 cases was halted and the numbers scaled down to a level manageable within available resources. The pandemic being a worldwide phenomenon, we also read and seen in the print and electronic media how different agencies and organisations have made contributions for the well-being of others who needed attention, care and compassion. In other words, it was beautiful to see the hands of God working through some people. The one below is one such encouraging story from Mizoram, where a young lady compromised all her personal happiness and looked after an old lady who needed assistance, another example of how God made people work in his gracious name. 

Miss C.T. Ramnunmawii is a young student studying law in New Delhi. She came home to Mizoram as consequence of surging instances of Covid-19 pandemic in the national capital. On arrival at the Airport, she went through the usual protocol testing not once but twice, but found to be negative. However, as per the Govt. of Mizoram SOP, she had to go through home quarantine for 7 days. Unfortunately, before the home quarantine period ended, Miss C.T. was found to be positive and had to be quarantined at one of the Covid Care Centres at Durtlang on April 10, 2021. Subsequently, Miss C.T. was tested again and she was found to be negative, therefore scheduled to leave the Centre on April 20. Luckily or unluckily for the young lady, an old woman of 93 years was admitted to her room one day before she was to leave.  The old lady had no one to help her - She was weak and fragile. Having been moved by the plight of the old lady, Miss C.T. approached the authority running the Centre to grant her permission to stay with the weak patient as long as her service was needed. Her request was considered, and permission ultimately granted.  

 Thus, the two women stayed together. After a few days, the condition of the old woman, Pi Thangi(name changed), a refugee from Myanmar, deteriorated so she was shifted to Zoram Medical College (ZMC) where better medical facilities including oxygen, ventilators etc. are available. Miss CT was also allowed to accompany her and they were there for another 8 days together. On April 27, both of them underwent a test, but found to be negative though Miss C. T had severe cough. She says, it was perhaps Divine providence that she tested negative despite signs of having contracted the pandemic. Miss C.T. Ramnunmawii hails from Ruantlang, Champhai, a district near the Myanmar border, about 200 km from Aizawl, the Capital of Mizoram.

 This sacrifice made by the young girl might not have match up to many deeds done by different people across the country, but her commitment to serve people in need would certainly must have   made Christ happy who says, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of those who are members of my family, you did it to me” (Matt. 25: 40). Therefore, it surely was God working through a “Good Samaritan” hence the greatness of the deed. It should be an example for many in this Covid time.

              (The Author is a retired Professor of History. Views expressed are personal)



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