NE Brief

Bishop Hemrom Takes Over Dibrugarh Diocese

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Bishop Albert Hemrom

Bishop Albert Hemrom

With Holy Father Pope Francis, having accepted the resignation of Most Rev. Joseph Aind, SDB (75) from pastoral governance of the Diocese of Dibrugarh, Most Rev. Albert Hemrom (51), who was the Coadjutor Bishop, has taken over as Bishop of Dibrugarh with effect from 15th February 2021.

Bishop Joseph Aind was born on 5 November1945, in Nahorani in Dibrugarh diocese in Assam. He was ordained priest on 27 November 1976, in the congregation of Salesians of Don Bosco. He was appointed Bishop of Dibrugarh on 11 November 1994, and was ordained Bishop on 19 March, 1995. He was the Chairman of Social Communication Commission in the North Eastern Regions Bishops’ Council. He had an illustrious journey as a Missionary, serving God and people for 44 years as a priest, and for 25 years as Bishop.

His successor Bishop Albert Hemrom was born in Konapathar, Diocese of Dibrugarh, on 27 February, 1969. He joined St. Joseph’s Minor Seminary, Dibrugarh, and then studied at Christ the King College, Shillong, and at Oriens Theological College, Shillong. He was ordained priest for the Diocese of Dibrugarh on 25th April, 1999. He obtained a Licentiate in Canon Law from St. Peter’s Pontifical College, Bangalore (in 2003) and a Doctorate from the Pontifical Lateran University, Rome (2014). He served the Diocese in different capacities before he was appointed as coadjutor Bishop of Dibrugarh on 2 December 2018 and ordained Bishop on 24 February, 2019.

The North East Catholic Research Forum wishes Bishop Joseph a blissful retirement, while wishing Bishop Albert a successful and blessings-filled journey ahead. 

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