The North East Catholic Research Forum intends to publish a book, compiling articles by different writers on the broad theme of "Christian contribution to nation-building." Interested contributors may please contact
Current Updates | NE Brief | NECARF Rep
In a simple ceremony following the NECCOD monthly Mass on November 1, 2020, a Calendar for 2021 was released on by Rev. Fr. Vijay Baretto, Chaplin of NECCOD, in the Archdiocese of Delhi, at the Sacred Heart Cathedral. The attractive Calendar, with select.....
Opinion | Articles | Chhotebhai
A person’s dying wish is sacred. Jesus’ last desire, when “he raised his eyes to heaven” (Jn 17:1), was “that they may be one like us” (v11) and again “May they all be one” (v21). Jesus’ call to oneness (unity) of his disciples was based on his own deep r.....
Opinion | Articles | M L Satyan
As per the Supreme Court’s order, the Election Commission uploaded the list of the donors of electoral bonds. Many political analysts and journalists studied the list and revealed the truth that most of the donors purchased electoral bonds for two major r.....
Current Updates | NE Brief | NECARF Rep
In an election conducted by the Election Commission of the North East Catholic Community of Delhi (NECCOD) on Dec. 5, 2021, a sixteen member Executive Council was declared elected, with Thomas Ngaihte, as the President. Ngaihte presently is an Additional .....
Current Updates | NE Brief | NECARF Rep
The Arunachal Pradesh Catholic Association (APCA) hosted an impressive reception in honour of the Bishops of North East region, in Itanagar where 17 Bishops gathered for their Annual Conference, the first to be held in Arunachal Pradesh. The reception was.....