The North East Catholic Research Forum intends to publish a book, compiling articles by different writers on the broad theme of "Christian contribution to nation-building." Interested contributors may please contact
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Addressing the North East India Pastoral Conference 2022 in Guwahati on September 14, 2022, Archbishop Moolachira, President, North East India Regional Bishops Council (NEIRBC) gave a clarion call to protect ‘Mother Earth”. Invoking passages from the Bibl.....
Opinion | Articles | Victor Ferrao
Humans have gone through several ages of affliction. There was a microbial age that ended with the discovery of antibiotics. Thanks to immunological science and technology, we have left it behind although covid-19 virus threatened to usher it again. The.....
Opinion | Articles | M L Satyan
As per the Supreme Court’s order, the Election Commission uploaded the list of the donors of electoral bonds. Many political analysts and journalists studied the list and revealed the truth that most of the donors purchased electoral bonds for two major r.....
Opinion | Articles | John S. Shilshi
It was on the 15th of January 2022 that I began to feel unusually uneasy. There was an indescribable discomfort all over my body, which was triggered by a combination of dullness, weakness and absence of appetite or thirst. Just the thought of eating or d.....
Opinion | Editorial | John S. Shilshi
In a papacy that spans a little less than a decade, Pope Francis has created some history by doing away with some of the Vatican’s pomp and privilege, at times at the cost of severe criticism from the conservatives who believe that the Catholic Church des.....